Cannanore, India

Ciudades populares en India

Buscando 3 propiedades


$38.00 habitación por noche

Quedarse en casa

Beach house is a fully furnished, all with attached bathrooms&just 100 meters facing the Arabian Sea.

Ocean Green Home Stay, albergue juvenil 8 fotos


INR 2,300.00 habitación por noche

Cama y desayuno

home stay

Ocean Green Kerala 2 fotos


$110.00 habitación por noche

Leer 1 comentario

Casa de huespedes

Ocean Hues, An Exclusive, Romantic Seaside Getaway in Kerala - a picturesque, cozy, cottage, facing the sea, located in Kannur, a coastal town in the northern part of Kerala'.

Ocean Hues Beach House 15 fotos